By KJ Normally when I mention comfrey, I see people’s noses automatically crinkle up because if you have ever made your own nitrogenous plant feed from it, you’ll know that it sure has a distinctive and almost putrid smell when rotted down. Comfrey is more than a friendly pollinator and some smelly feed – it’s …
Leggy seedlings no more!
By KJ Despite the colder weather, warmer and sunnier days are on their way and we all know what that means… seed sowing! I am trying to sort through my seeds for this month whilst I write this and it’s just a little overwhelming. I’m not normally so eager to get things going …
How to TRULY start an allotment in 20 steps
By KJ I tweeted recently about giving up my first allotment however, I do have plots on another site that I can spend more time and energy on so it’s not a loss. I have been thinking about what I leave behind – memories, my first ever shed, experiences, and the beginning of my …